Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week #5 Transformation=Synchronization!

Finally!!!  When you look in the mirror and you wonder: who the heck is that person staring at you? Then you stare a little bit longer into the eyes that are looking back at you and there it is… it’s you!!!  A renew, different, changed you, now the outside starts to match the inside, the mind, soul and the body are one in touch with each other, all three are strong, and working together!

 This has been an incredibly excited and bless week all over, like a roller coaster of emotions. Seeing little by little how your transforming yourself takes a while to take it all in, I dint realize how much I changed physically speaking because mentally it’s been going on for a while and let’s face it will until the day we take our last breath of air. 
When things or people that you used to have close to you for some reason they’re not probably is not because they have change or the circumstances is that you change and what use to be “ok or all right” is not anymore,  because you’re the one who’s change, and keep in mind things will be 100% about  our attitude towards it, how do we react and handle ourselves, we can chose to see the glass half empty or half full, I decided to see it full!

I’m in the final ¼ of the mile of the marathon and now is the time to be more focus and in touch with myself, when one of my clients caught my attention when she pointed out on a photo how I look, (BTW Jomy you're a very talented and creative photographer) it hit me hard, it took me a while to take it in and at the same time it gave me even more energy to keep going to conquer my dream, to live it, and as I been mentioning this past week’s it’s about enjoying the process because they’re so many lessons to lived to enriched us and help us grow even more, so I’ll keep savoring the moment!

I don’t know the outcome but I can guarantee that the process has been one of kind and just for taking back on my hands my dream and goal has help me so much to find myself again,  who am I, that I can’t wait for the next 4 weeks!

Every day in every way through the Grace of God I’m getting better, stronger and happier!!!! 

As always I have to thank my (P.I.T.A. pain in the ass) for being there and calling them like he sees them even if I don’t like it, I'm craving for bananas!  and of course my Angel’s under construction: (clients) Jomy, Shirley great things ahead for you too! Veronica & Vannesa your peace and wisdom touch so many life's  including mine, thank you girls! and Lourdes your words of encouragement like you said gave me a natural high and also for letting me help you to achieve your goal, girl soon you’re going to be ready for stage too!!!

Tips of the week:
  • Want to target even more your butt & hamstring do little sidekicks (20 to 30 reps) you’re going to feel the burn
  • Do a circuit training (resistance training-5mnts. Cardio-resistance training) try to complete at least 30 minutes in cardio
  • Nutrition: this one is from my client Lourdes she’s always on the look for healthy and yummy things is an oatmeal recipe instead of doing it in the stove or microwave bake it just mix it with egg whites and she adds a little bit of  baking soda and OMG!!! Its yummmyyyy!!!
  • Nutrition: this one is mine and is one of my favorites also, oatmeal pancakes with your protein powder, mix it and just pour it like a pancake their good too!

So until next week #4 and I can’t wait to share with you all the amazing, wonderful things that God has for me and my clients!!!

B healthy, B fabulous!
Frances Anza, Fit 4U! Lifestyle & More...